I’m Richard Crowley. I manage secure, reliable, and compliant Internet‑scale systems.

I work on the best cloud database, PlanetScale, built on the best production RDBMS, MySQL. I also ride and wrench on bicycles.

I led operations engineering at Slack from 2014 through 2020, through 100x growth in employees and 1,000x growth in connected users. I founded Source & Binary and developed Substrate in 2020 to put everything I knew about using AWS at the highest level for most risk-averse customers into practice for startups. Before all of that I cut my teeth at Square, OpenDNS, and Flickr.

Drop me a line at rcrowley@rcrowley.org.

Selected writings

The rest of my writing about software architecture, AWS, Go, Linux, and a long, long tail of other topics, dating back to 2007, is in the index.


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