CVS oops fix 2007/07/12
Committing a new project to CVS is quite a chore. I have been slowing getting it together for the past couple of days, screwing up early and often. If you ever find yourself with a directory tree full of CVS directories and you would rather not, try this:
<?php function scrub($path) { $dir = opendir($path); while (false !== $d = readdir($dir)) { if ('. == $d{0}) continue; if ('CVS' == $d) `rm -rf $path/$d`; else if (is_dir("$path/$d")) scrub("$path/$d"); } } scrub('.'); ?>
I've discovered other nasty quirks, too. Like you can't actually remove a directory, but you can suppress empty ones on cvs update
using the -P
option. Adding binary files and trusting CVS to play nicely is a terrible idea. Instead you need to think for it and do cvs add -k b file
to let it know you're adding a binary file.
Or, if you have decision-making power, you could just switch to Subversion.
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