2024.04 Release Notes Notes

By Richard Crowley

I had every intention of making the Substrate 2024.04 release on April 1. Not because it’s a joke. Just because it was theoretically finished in time. Flaky tests, though, got the upper hand. Eventual consistency in AWS IAM continues to find new and exciting ways to bite me.

Nonetheless, Substrate 2024.04 is out, featuring newer AMIs in the Instance Factory and a bevy of bug fixes.

Public speaking

I’m getting back into the habit of public speaking. It’s so much fun and such a shame the pandemic inspired a four-year break from it for me. I don’t have anything upcoming to announce but here are some slides from my first two outings:


These are also the first two uses of Sideshow, my new very minimalist way of presenting from an HTML document that remains a normal HTML document that you can scroll, search, and print.