A slideshow about Sideshow slideshows

By Richard Crowley


Sideshow exists because I didn’t enjoy using any of the Keynote/Powerpoint-alternative packages I tried.

It’s made for me. Maybe it tickles your fancy, too.



Nothing up my sleeve but HTML.


  1. Steal underpants.
  2. ???
  3. Profit!

Code blocks and spans

#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    printf("Hello, World!\n");
    return 0;

:(){ :|:& };: is a fun bit of code to run in your shell!


Sideshow, it’s the opposite of this:


First-level heading

Second-level heading

Third-level heading

Fourth-level heading

Fifth-level heading
Sixth-level heading

Any HTML you like


(This is a bunch of flexbox nonsense, to save you the view-source. Resize your browser window to see.)

  1. Designing
  2. for
  3. mobile
  4. and
  5. desktop
  6. browsers
  7. isn’t
  8. pixel-
  9. perfect.
  10. Nevertheless:
  11. With font-size: 200%
  12. and line-height: 1.5em,
  13. ← lines fit on typical laptops.
  14. And,
  15. though
  16. they’re
  17. horizontally
  18. constrained,
  19. with font-size: 125%
  20. and line-height: 1.5em,
  21. ← lines fit on recent iPhones.

