2024.07 Release Notes Notes

By Richard Crowley

Substrate 2024.07 expanded our nascent awareness of AWS IAM Identity Center, which is a horrid product that beat Substrate by being from AWS, free, and devoid of opinions. Permission sets are a bad abstraction that was only necessary to introduce because they force folks to run Identity Center in the management account. The integration with identity providers is awkward and spreads storage of critical ground truth across multiple systems. And the whole thing is one big exception to AWS’ longstanding APIs-for-everything design philosophy.

So, sorry everyone, but you’re stuck with IAM Identity Center. Substrate will help you out as best it can.

I hope folks keep using Substrate instead of migrating, even though it’s absolutely our responsibility in winding down support for Substrate to provide folks a sane route to take if they want out.

The big question now is this: Do we open-source Substrate now that we’re not trying to monetize it?

In the meantime, I’m busy migrating off the various inexpensive-but-still-not-free SaaS we were using like Framer, Gitbook, and Ghost so we can take this thing down to a budget we could run on a child’s allowance.