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- Development and production
- Developers and operators
- “Individuals and interactions”
- Operator-focused
- Bringing agile methods to systems administration
...and measure it
- Uptime
- Actionable metrics
DevOps is cultural
- All-for-one not us-versus-them
- Helpful
- Trusting
Automate everything
- Never perform a manual
process a third time
So why, then, is devops full of operators?
- Realistic development environments
- Full-stack dependency management
Service-oriented architecture
Library-oriented architecture
...and deploy it
- Code only makes
money when it’s live
- Monitor that value
- Is the site on the Internet?
- Are we making money?
- CPU usage is secondary at best
How is this process (re)started?
How is this process supervised?
What if two
versions are
live at once?
What metrics are important?
- How are they collected?
- How should they align
with system metrics?
Contracts between infrastructure and application
In Summary
- Create tools that reinforce culture
- Deploy frequently
- Monitor everything